Lifting Fruit Toward Heaven

On my way to the city from the country, I pass an old abandoned house everyday. I hardly even notice it all until early spring. Toward the end of February, sometimes earlier,that old abandoned house is surrounded by the most beautiful buttercups I've ever seen. I pass by and wonder about the family who called this place home in the past. I imagine a lady out weeding from around those flowers every spring. I can imagine the children out playing,enjoying those first warm days after a long cold winter. The kids pick flowers and take them to their mother. She might scold them for picking them, but she gives them a big old hug and proudly puts the flowers on display. I always stop and pick a bouquet for myself. As I get back into my car I always look back toward that old abandoned house and thank who ever planted those seeds so many years before. Those small seeds are still producing fruit abundantly after so much time has passed.

You know we are all passing through this life. We will all leave this life here on earth. I don't want to just pass through. I would like to leave something behind someone could thank me for. We can all plant seeds that will keep on producing fruit for years to come. God will water them and they will keep on growing. Someone will pick the fruit from your small seeds. The harvester will lift the fruit toward heaven. I think God will give them a big old hug and put His beauty on display through them.

Make sure you go out and plant some seeds today. Tell someone what Jesus Christ has done for you and what He can do for them. Let your fruit be so beautiful that God is proud to put it on display. He will use you and make you produce for Him, all you need to do is ask. Your seeds will keep on producing long after you are gone. One day when you get to heaven someone will thank you for leaving beautiful fruit behind that they picked while on earth.

Matthew 31:13,14 The kingdom of God is like unto a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field which is indeed the least of all seeds, but when it is grown it is the greatest among herbs.

by Judy Parker
September 2003


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Artwork © Penny Parker
Graphics © Lil Kitty Graphics
Site Content © Judy Parker
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Site Designed by Stephanie Parker